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Why Does The Media Insist On Calling (Protesters) Thugs?

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Apr 30, 2015
    As the protests in Baltimore continue there is a word that we keep hearing brought up, not just by co


    Published on Apr 30, 2015
    As the protests in Baltimore continue there is a word that we keep hearing brought up, not just by conservatives by liberals as well, and that word is "thug".

    What group the word thug gets applied to depends on who's telling the story.

    From the media all the way up to President Obama, use of the word "thug" is wide spread.

    John Iadarola (Think Tank) and Mark Sovel (The Lip TV) discuss on The Young Turks.

    Do you have a problem with people calling protesters thugs? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

  • # Protesters
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