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Parents: Teachers Are Stealing Your Kids Cookies

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 17, 2015
    "A Colorado mother claims a teacher at her child's preschool refused to let the little girl


    Published on May 17, 2015
    "A Colorado mother claims a teacher at her child's preschool refused to let the little girl eat part of her lunch because it wasn't nutritious.

    Leeza Pearson, of Aurora, Colo., is upset her child wasn't allowed to finish part of her lunch.

    Pearson packed her 5-year-old daughter a ham and cheese sandwich, string cheese and a 4-pack of Oreos on Friday.

    The child came back home from Children's Academy with the Oreos and a note from her teacher which read, in part:

    "Dear Parents, it is very important that all students have a nutritious lunch.

    This is a public school setting and all children are required to have a fruit, a vegetable and a heavy snack from home, along with a milk.

    If they have potatoes, the child will also need bread to go along with it.

    Lunchables, chips, fruit snacks, and peanut butter are not considered to be a healthy snack.

    This is a very important part of our program and we need everyone's participation."

  • # Teacher
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