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Unethical Witches Selling Spells And Charms On Etsy?

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 18, 2015

    "Enterprising witches, wiccans and occultists are setting up shop online, where customers can


    Published on May 18, 2015

    "Enterprising witches, wiccans and occultists are setting up shop online, where customers can pay a fee to have a spell cast remotely on their behalf.

    Jaya Saxena, a writer for The Daily Dot, gave it a try when she bought a spell for better sex for $25 on Etsy.

    She sent her money along with her and her husband's names to a witch in Wales, who provided photos of the spell being cast.

    But the very idea of monetizing witchcraft has conjured a tricky ethical debate.

    Saxena received so much negative feedback that she wrote a follow-up about the "schism in the witch community" over whether witches should be charging for their craft.

    There's also the issue of whether witches are "scamming" customers who buy something that isn't tangible and can't be proven effective; "metaphysical" goods, like spells and potions, are outlawed on eBay, for example.” *

  • # Witches
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