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The future of mass surveillance

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jun 1, 2015
    On June 1, one of the most controversial sections of the US Patriot Act, a piece of legislation that a


    Published on Jun 1, 2015
    On June 1, one of the most controversial sections of the US Patriot Act, a piece of legislation that allows the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct mass surveillance on American citizens - will expire.
    Enacted just 45 days after the September 11 attacks in 2001, the legislation allowed the US government far-reaching powers to gather information about its citizens.
    Now the debate over how far anti-terrorism legislation should be allowed to infringe on the liberties of ordinary citizens has reignited.
    Exposed nearly two years ago by Edward Snowden, one of the most contentious provisions of the act is up for renewal.

    Congress is set to decide whether or not to renew section 215 - which allows the NSA to sweep up phone records in bulk.

  • # surveillance# NSA
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