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Pentagon: Militants fighting in Syria are on Washington’s payroll

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Jun 23, 2015
    The Pentagon says it's paying 250 to 400 dollars a month to militants opposed to the Syrian gove


    Published on Jun 23, 2015
    The Pentagon says it's paying 250 to 400 dollars a month to militants opposed to the Syrian government.

    The US claims it trains the militants to fight against the ISIL terrorists in Syria.

    A Pentagon spokesman said that up to two-hundred Syrian militants are undergoing training and a further fifteen-hundred have completed the necessary screening.

    The training of the first group began last month.

    The location of the training is unknown, but the US signed an agreement with Turkey regarding the program in February.

    Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan have also said that they would contribute.

  • # Pentagon
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