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(Ambassador) Rice Offers a Statement on (South Sudan) Independence Day

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category middle east news

    Today, National Security Advisor Susan Rice recorded a video message to the people of South Sudan to mark the country’s Independence Day.

    Her message is direct


    Today, National Security Advisor Susan Rice recorded a video message to the people of South Sudan to mark the country’s Independence Day.

    Her message is direct and powerful: South Sudanese leaders are choosing war over dialogue; violence over development; and abuses over governance.

    They are abdicating their responsibility to create a nation where the South Sudanese people can pursue their aspirations in peace and with dignity.

    In her message, Ambassador Rice makes clear that the United States will continue to stand with those who strive for a better future, and will hold accountable the spoilers who stand in their way.

  • # Ambassador# South Sudan
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