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    Published on Aug 2, 2015
    New York Times has a new editorial on dark money and how the IRS has completely given up on trying to


    Published on Aug 2, 2015
    New York Times has a new editorial on dark money and how the IRS has completely given up on trying to track it.

    Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

    Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

    "The federal government has all but surrendered to the powerful, rich donors whose anonymous contributions threaten to undermine the 2016 elections.

    The commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, John Koskinen, signaled as much on Thursday when he told a House committee that there would be no change in the tax code in 2016 to end its growing abuse by political operatives using nonprofit “social welfare” institutions to disguise the identities of affluent campaign contributors.”*

  • # IRS
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