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Public Option Should Be Centerpiece For 2016 Campaign

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Last week, Medicaid turned 50 years old.

    Medicaid is the government-funded program that provides healthcare coverage to impoverished citizens, and has been wor


    Last week, Medicaid turned 50 years old.

    Medicaid is the government-funded program that provides healthcare coverage to impoverished citizens, and has been working quite well for those enrolled for half a century.

    There are currently 70 million people enrolled in the program.

    Medicare has also been around for 50 years, and in spite of what people like Jeb Bush tell us, the program is running fine, and the vast majority of the 55 million people enrolled in Medicare are happy with their coverage.

    Affordable Health Care

  • # Affordable Health Care
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