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CLIPS: President Jimmy Carter on Cancer Diagnosis

  • Uploaded 9 years ago in the category White House

    Published on Aug 20, 2015
    Former President Jimmy Carter spoke to reporters about his recent cancer diagnosis.

    Included in his


    Published on Aug 20, 2015
    Former President Jimmy Carter spoke to reporters about his recent cancer diagnosis.

    Included in his comments are his plans for treatment, "I’ll get my first radiation treatment for the melanoma in my brain this afternoon.,” his initial reaction, "I just thought I had a few weeks left.

    But I was surprisingly at ease.

    I’ve had a wonderful life…" the pinnacle of his life, "The best thing I ever did was marrying Rosalynn.

    That’s the pinnacle of my life,” and what he would have done differently, “I wish I had sent one more helicopter to get the hostages and we would have rescued them and I would have been reelected.

  • # Cancer
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