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  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category middle east news

    Jerusalem : Muslims and Jews Or : How and why palestinians desecrate the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

    One of the most important videos on youtube that sheds ligh


    Jerusalem : Muslims and Jews Or : How and why palestinians desecrate the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

    One of the most important videos on youtube that sheds light on the Jewish-Arab conflict.

    Jerusalem has been a Jewish holy city since the days of King David .

    3000 years ago.

    At that time the Arabs were still pagans who used to worship idols such as Al Uzza, Al Lat and Al Mannat at the Kaaba.

    (Jahiliyya period) In the year 638 CE the muslims captured Jerusalem from the Byzantines and built a mosque on the site of the Jewish holy Temple.

    While Jews pray facing Jerusalem and the Temple mount , Muslims pray towards Mecca.

    When Muslims pray in Jerusalem they point their behind to the Dome of the rock and the temple mount.

    An Islamic holy site ? Palestinians use the temple mount as a playground where they have picnics and play soccer.

    Sary Nusseibeh , palestinian professor and the president of the Al Quds university had to go underground after admitting that the temple mount is a Jewish holy site.

    Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328) , whose writings influenced the Wahhabi movement in arabia ruled that sacred islamic sites are to be found only in the Arabian Peninsula and that " in Jerusalem, there is not a place one calls sacred , and the same holds true for the tombs of Hebron" Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible 667 times , while in the Quran : 0 times .

    According to the quran , the holy land was written by Allah to Israel (quran 5:21) and that the Jews will return to their land (quran ...

  • # Jews invading Muslims/Muslims vs Jews
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